Nobuyoshi Moriyama



富士フイルム X-T3 かっこいいレビュー4選

Four best cool reviews of Fujifilm X-T3


こんにちは、@_nobu2 です。

ついに、富士フイルム X-T3が発表になりました。私は早速予約して、発売日の9月20日が待ち遠しく、暇があればレビューサイトをむさぼる日々です。



Hi, this is @_nobu2 !

Finally, Fujifilm X-T3 Had announced. I lost no time in getting to make a pre-order. I can't wait the release date of X-T3, 20th September, so I watch something review every day.

And, I introduce something reviews have good looking picture.


Jonas Dyhr Rask | Fujifilm X-T3 Review – Next generation X

富士フイルムXフォトグラファーの @jonas.rask が紹介するX-T3。


最後のまとめの項目では、「Brand new on the inside, same on the outside.」と書いてあったりして、「最新のポルシェは、最良のポルシェ」なんて名言を思い出しました。


The review was written by Fujifilm X-photographer @jonas.rask.

In chapter "Image Quality and samples", he wrote "This is expected because of the new BSI sensor. It’s not really that pronounced, but it is there when you peep. The highlight control is also a little better and I found it quite a bit harder to blow the highlights than on my X-Pro2." I think he took some of sample pictures with his family. It's so beautiful soft tone with strong.

In chapter "Conclusion", he wrote "Brand new on the inside, same on the outside." I remembered the phrase "The newest Porsche is always the best."


Bryan Minear | The Empire Strikes Back: My experience with the Fujifilm X-T3

こちらも、富士フイルムXフォトグラファーの @bryanminear が紹介するX-T3。

まず、「The Empire Strikes Back (帝国の逆襲)」というタイトルにやられますね。見たことありませんけど笑。写真かなり多めのレビューです。海外のインスタグラマー、特にカナダのインスタグラマーが撮る、落ち着いたトーンの写真が中心ですね。

ちなみに、エディットはRAWコンバーターがまだないため、JPEGから。フィルムシミュレーションはエテルナを使用し、シャドウトーン -2、ハイライトトーン -2、その他は全てゼロにしているとのことです。

「 it’s SO much more fun being on the dark side.」と締めくくっています。まさしくそうだと思いますね。影を撮るというか、モノクロフイルムを使うと影を意識しますよね。それに近い感覚がX-T3にはあるのでしょう。


The review was written by another Fujifilm X-photographer @bryanminear.

First of all, it got to me that "The Empire Strikes Back". but I have never watched the movie haha. The review has a lot of calm tone pictures. I see the tone Canadian Instagrammer.

By the way, he said "there is no RAW converter available for this camera. Mostly using ETERNA. -2 shadows, -2, highlights, and zeroed out on everything else to give me a decently flat image to be able to grade."

He rounded off the review with a good phrase. "it’s SO much more fun being on the dark side." I think so, too. We take the dark side...or rather shoot with b&w film. At that time we are aware of the shadow. X-T3 has the close feeling.


Erik Valind | ADORAMA TV Fujifilm X-T3

Fujifilm X-T3 with Erik Valind

ADORAMA TV から @erikvphoto が撮るアスリートのショット。




The pictures of athlete were taken by @erikvphoto from ADORAMA TV. 

The review was made with blackout free EVF at 30fps Continuous Shooting and strobe. seemingly, I am not concerned with rolling shutter.

It is so cool with perspective and strong og strobe.


Haseo Hasegawa | FUJIFILM X-T3


@haseo_hasegawa さんが撮るムービーです。



The movie was made by @haseo_hasegawa

It looks like with Color Chrome Effect.





There are more good reviews. So, I'll try hard and beat it with my X-T3.

Many thanks!!