Nobuyoshi Moriyama



フジフイルム X-T3で撮る雪の京都 貴船神社 [2日目]

Winter Kifune Shrine, Kyoto with FUJIFILM X-T3 / COSINA Voigtlander [day2]

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都



I visited Kifune shrine with Zarnizar(@zarnizar) and Joey (@ohsopejoe_). They are from Malaysia.


We were supposed to visit Inari shrine. But the day was raining at Kyoto city. I thought it would be snowing at Kifune, because Kifune was located in the north of Kyoto city. As a result, that was right.



I used FUJIFILM X-T3. Funnily enough, Joey used X-T3, too.


誰もいない There's no one


The day was weekday and early morning, so there was no one in the famous spot.

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都


貴船神社の由来 Origine of Kifune shrine



「According to legend, a goddess traveled in a boat from Osaka all the way up the river into the mountains north of Kyoto, and Kifune Shrine was built at the site where her boat journey had come to an end.」(from

I checked it in advance, so I could explain about it to Zarnizar and Joey.

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都


Zarnizarさんはソニーαを使用 Zarnizar choices SONY α


SONY α is small. When Zarnizar have it, it seems more small. If there is Zarnizar in our home, that will calm us down.

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都


Joeyさんに撮ってもらう I had a picture taken by Joey


Joey is so cool. he understood my poor English and has been helpful.

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都


雪×ボルボ Snowing×VOLVO


VOLVO 740! Neo classic VOLVO in snowing scene is awesome!!

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都


GoProを使いこなすZarnizarさん Zarnizar can handle GoPro very well


That's great! Zarnizar appeared the event of GoPro and organized Instameet.

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都



We went to Ohsho. Because it is most famous ramen shop in Kyoto. But they can't eat pork. I'm so sorry. So, we went to Soba shop. I must learn English, especially listening.


また会いましょう Hope to see you again.

Thanks, Zarnizar(@zarnizar) and Joey(@ohsopejoe_)

冬 雪の貴船神社、京都